♥ كلمات تأثرت بها ♥

السلام عليكم اخواني
اتمنى ان تكونو ا في افضل حال
كلمات تأثرت بها وبدون مقدمات سأنقلها لكم اخواني في الله ^-^

شاب في يوم زفافه ترك باقة ورد على فراش أمه كتب عليها ( ستظلين اﻷ‌نثى اﻷ‌جمل في حياتي )
سئلت أم : من تحبين من أوﻻ‌دك ؟ فقالت : مريضهم حتى يشفى ، وغائبهم حتى يعود ، وصغيرهم حتى يكبر ، وجميعهم حتى أموووت !
ﻻ‌ تقل لطفل : اذهب إلى الصﻼ‌ة وإﻻ‌ تذهب إلى النار !!! بل قل له : رافقني إلى الصﻼ‌ة لنكون معا في الجنة ... عباراتنا لها أثر كبييير
سئل اثنان عن سبب التأخير عن العمل ؟ فقال أحدهم : انشغلت مع الوالدة .. وقال اﻵ‌خر : الوالدة أشغلتني !! ... قمة اﻷ‌دب .. وقلة اﻷ‌دب ..
قيل ﻷ‌حدهم : كيف تصبر على البقاء لوحدك ! فقال : أنا جليس ربي إذا شئت أن يكلمني قرأت القرآن .. وإذأ شئت أن أكلمه صليت ركعتين
عندما ترتفع ؛
سيعرف أصدقاؤك من أنت
لكن عندما تسقط ؛
ستعرف من هم أصدقاءك !
قال محمد بن مناذر : كنت أمشي مع الخليل بن أحمد فانقطع نعلي ، فمشيت حافيا ، فخلع نعليه وحملها يمشي معي .. فقلت له : ماذا تصنع ؟! فقال : أواسيك في الحفاء !!
( إنما المؤمنون إخوة ) ..
هل لك أن تجد صداقة كتلك ؟ ..
بعض اﻷ‌حيان
عليك أن تتوقف عن العتاب المستمر لشخص ﻻ‌ يهتم لما تقوله ..
فكثير منا ﻻ‌ ينتبه لصوت المكيف في غرفته [ إﻻ‌ بعد أن ينطفىء ] !
إذأ كان لديك شخص تتشاجر معه كثيرا
تأكد بأنك { ﻻ‌ تستطيع اﻻ‌ستغناء عنه }!
لماذا المتخاصمون يرفعون أصواتهم
ويصرخون في بعضهم وهم قريبين من بعض
الجواب :
هو أن المسافة بين القلوب ابتعدت
فيحتاجون إلى الصراخ ﻹ‌يصال أصواتهم
أن المتحابين تجدهم يهمسون أو تكفيهم النظرات
ﻷ‌ن [ قلوبهم هي التي تسمع ] ..
فلسفة راقت لي :
من ﻻ‌ يعرف قيمتك وأنت بين يديه
سيندم على خسارتك عندما ﻻ‌ يراك أمامه ! ..
كن مع الذي يقدرك
ليس من اﻷ‌دب أن تقول في الغائبين شيئا لم تجرؤ على قوله وهم حاضرون !

أنت من تحدد قيمة نفسك ، فﻼ‌ تصغر من شأنك حين ترى فخامة اﻵ‌خرين ، فلو كانت القيمة تقاس باﻷ‌وزان
لكانت الصخور أغلى من اﻷ‌لماس !!
السمكة التي تغلق فمها لن يصيدها أحد
فأغلق فمك ﻷ‌ن هناك الكثير يتمنى أن يتصيد أخطاءك !!!
عندما يبوح لك شخص فاستمع إليه جيدا
فهو اختارك أنت من بينهم جميعا
فﻼ‌ تخذله ! ..
قال الخشب للمسمار : جرحتني !
فقال المسمار : لو تعلم حجم الضرب الذي فوق رأسي لعذرتني !!
دائما أحسن النية مع الناس
ﻷ‌نك ﻻ‌ تعرف ظروفهم ..
كن كالشمس واضحا .. صادقا .. مؤثرا .. نقيا .. ومبادرا !
سئل أحد الصالحين :
لماذا تذهب للمسجد قبل اﻷ‌ذان ؟؟
قال : اﻷ‌ذان لتنبيه الغافلين ..
وأرجو أن ﻻ‌ أكون منهم .!!

رائعة تستحق القراءة
أعيدوا قراءتها بهدووووء !

تنفّس بـ ..." لا إله إلا الله " ... و عاتب نفسك .. بـ " استغفر الله " ... و تألّم .. بـالحمد "لله ... و تعجّب .. بـ " سبحان الله " ... و افرح .. بـ " الصلاة على رسول الله " ... و احزن .. بـ " إنّا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون " ... و اكسر سمّ عينك .. بـ " ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله " ... و ابدأ .. بـ " بسم الله " .. و اختم .. بـ " الحمد لله " أسال الله أن يرضى عنيَ وعنكمَ ، فليس بعد رضى الله إلا الجنة

اتمنى ان يحوز على اعجابكم
ودمتم بسلام اخواني

المصدر : منتديات شقاع - من القسم العام

.. اقرأ المزيد

ثلاثة أسئلة دينية حيرة العالم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

ثلاثة أسئلة حيرت العالم
صبي صغير بعد عودته من السفر في الخارج إلى أهله طلب منهم أن يحضروا له معلم دين ليجيب عن أسئله ثلاثه لديه
أخيرا وجدو له معلم دين ودار بينهما الحوار التالي:
الغلام : من أنت ؟ وهل تستطيع إلاجابه عن أسئلتي الثلاثه؟
المعلم : أنا عبد من عباد الله..وسأجيب عن أسئلتك بأذن الله..
الغلام : هل انت متأكد الكثير من العلماء لم يستطيعو إلاجابه على أسئلتي الثلاثه!!!
المعلم : ساحاول جهدي...وبعون الله أجيب

الغلام : لدي ثلاثة اسئله:

س 1 : هل الله موجود فعلا؟؟ إذا كان أرني شكله؟؟

س2 : ماهو القضاء والقدر؟؟

س3 : إذا كان الشيطان مخلوقا من نار....فلماذا يلقى فيها بعد ذلك وهي لن تؤثر فيه؟

صفع المعلم الغلام صفعه قويه على وجهه
قال الغلام : لماذا صفعتني ؟؟ وما الذي جعلك تغضب مني؟
أجاب المعلم : لست غاضبا إنما الصفعه هي إلاجابه على أسئلتك الثلاث...

الغلام : لكني لم افهم شيئ؟؟؟
المعلم : ماذا تشعر بعد أن صفعتك؟؟
الغلام : بطبع أشعر بالالم
المعلم : إذا هل تعتقد أن الالم موجود؟؟
الغلام : نعم
المعلم : أرني شكله؟
الغلام : لا استطيع
المعلم : هذا جوابي ألاول..كلنا نشعر بوجود الله لكن لا نستطيع رؤيته

ثم أضاف : هل حلمت البارحه باني سوف أصفعك؟
الغلام : لا
المعلم : هل خطر ببالك اني سوف أصفعك اليوم؟
الغلام : لا
المعلم : هذا هو القضاء والقدر

ثم أضاف : يدي التي صفعتك بها , مما خلقت؟؟؟
الغلام : من طين
المعلم : وماذا عن وجهك؟
الغلام : من طين
المعلم : ماذا تشعر بعد أن صفعتك؟
الغلام : أشعر باالالم
المعلم : تماما فكيف الطين يؤلم الطين هذه إرادة الله ...فبالرغم من ان الشيطان مخلوق من
نار....ولكن إذا شاء الله فستكون النار مكانا اليما للشيطان

تستحق القراءة و النشر
هذا المعلم الذي يربي أجيال...

.. اقرأ المزيد

من هم الكورد (الاكراد) ؟

من هم الكورد؟

الكرد أو الأكراد (بالكردية: کورد‏) هم شعوب تعيش في غرب آسيا شمالَ الشرق الأوسط بمحاذاة جبال زاكروس وجبال طوروس في المنطقة التي يسميها الأكراد كردستان الكبرى، وهي اليوم عبارة عن أجزاء من شمال شرق العراق وشمال غرب إيران وشمال شرق سوريا وجنوب شرق تركيا. يعتبر الكُرد كعرقٍ جزءًا من العرقيات الإيرانية. يتواجد الأكراد - بالإضافة إلى هذه المناطق - بأعداد قليلة في جنوب غرب أرمينيا وبعض مناطق أذربيجان ولبنان. يعتبر الأكراد إحدى أكبر القوميات التي لا تملك دولة مستقلة أو كياناً سياسياً موحداً معترفاً به عالمياً. وهناك الكثير من الجدل حول الشعب الكردي ابتداءً من منشأهم، وامتداداً إلى تاريخهم، وحتى مستقبلهم السياسي. وقد ازداد هذا الجدل التاريخي حدة في السنوات الأخيرة وخاصة بعد التغيرات التي طرأت على واقع الأكراد في العراق عقب حرب الخليج الثانية، وتشكيل الولايات المتحدة لمنطقة حظر الطيران التي أدت إلى نشأة كيان إقليم كردستان في شمال العراق.


هناك كورد مسيحيين
وهناك عدد صغير جدا من الديانه الغير سماويه التي تسمى الزردشتيه
ولكن الاغلبيه هم مسلمون السنه
يذكر انه ايضا هناك شيغه لكن لايوجد كورد من طائفه الشيعيه في سوريا


الاكراد من عراق و ايران يتكلمون لغه الكورديه تسمى بالسورانيه
والاكراد في سوريه و تركيه يتكلمون ايضا لغه كورديه لكن تسمى بالكورمانجيه
ويذكر انه هناك فرق كبير بين اللغتين

عدد سكانهم

قدرت الإحصاءات (2012) عدد الكرد بـ 27,380,000 نسمة، 56% في تركيا، و%16 في إيران، و%15 في العراق، و6% في سوريا
يذكر انه هناك اكراد في ارمينيا....

في دول العربيه
الكويت: 271,000 كردي سوراني
لبنان: 119,000 كردي كرمانجي
البحرين: 46,000 كردي كرمانجي
الأردن: 4,600 كردي كرمانجي

في اوروبا
ألمانيا: 542,000، منهم 537,000 كرمانجي، 5,000 زازا-الفيكا.
فرنسا: 82,000 كردي كرمانجي
هولندا: 72,000 كردي كرمانجي
بلجيكا: 27,000 كردي كرمانجي
المملكة المتحدة: 25,000 كردي كرمانجي
النمسا: 24,000 كردي كرمانجي
إيطاليا: 12,000 كردي كرمانجي
الدنمارك: 11,000 كردي كرمانجي
السويد: 11,000 كردي كرمانجي
سويسرا: 7,700 كردي كرمانجي
فنلندا: 6,100 كردي كرمانجي
النرويج: 4,900 كردي كرمانجي
أوكرانيا: 2,000 كردي كرمانجي
إسبانيا: 900 كردي كرمانجي
البرتغال: 200 كردي كرمانجي
بلغاريا: 200 كردي كرمانجي

في اسيا
أفغانستان : 227,000 كردي سوراني
ارمينيا : 47,000 كردي كرمانجي
كازاخستان : 34,000 كردي كرمانجي
روسيا: 20,000 كردي كرمانجي
جورجيا : 17,000 كردي يزيدي
كيرغيزستان: 13,000 كردي كرمانجي
تركمنستان: 6,900 كردي كرمانجي
أذربيجان : 6,100 كردي كرمانجي
أوزبكستان : 2,600 كردي كرمانجي

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: 58,600، منهم 50,000 كرمانجي، 8,600 سوراني.
أستراليا: 17,000 كردي كرمانجي
كندا: 6,900 كردي كرمانجي

.. اقرأ المزيد

مريضة بـالوسواس القهري تغسل يديها 300 مرة وتستحم 25 مرة يومياً !

تمضي الماليزية جوليا بنت عبد الله 5 ساعات يوميا في الحمام, حيث تقوم بغسل يديها 300 مرة الاستحمام 25 مرة في اليوم ما يتطلب منها استخدام جالونين من الشامبو اسبوعيا !
جوليا البالغة من العمر 40 سنة , مصابة بمرض الوسواس القهري . و تعترف بأن اعراض هذا المرض النفسي بدأت معها في سن العشرين عندما عملت في مختبر طبي للفحوصات وكانت عندها تضطر الى

الامساك بعينات البول والدم وغير ذلك. واعترفت أن اكبر مخاوفها هو الاصابة بمرض نقص المناعة الايدز, فراحت تغسل يديها وشعرها وتحمم جسمها عشرات المرات يوميا .
و ادى ذلك الى فقدان عملها لانها تستغرق 5 ساعات في الحمام ما جعلها تتأخر يوميا عن العمل كما ان زيادة المصروفات والفواتير التابعة عن النظافة الزائدة دفعت جوليا الى جمع الاشياء القديمة من صحف ومجلات وملابس لبيعها حتى تتمكن من تأمين تمويل لمواصلة عملية تنظيف جسمها بالطريقة التي تريدها

المصدر : مدونة كيو ناز: مريضة بـ "الوسواس القهري" تغسل يديها 300 مرة وتستحم 25 مرة يومياً
.. اقرأ المزيد

إعلان أرقام الطلاب المرشحين للقبول النهائي بالملك فهد الأمنية

إعلان أرقام الطلاب المرشحين للقبول النهائي بـ"الملك فهد الأمنية"

أعلنت كلية الملك فهد الأمنية أرقام الطلبة الجامعيين المرشحين للقبول النهائي بالدورة التأهيلية (43) للضباط الجامعيين للعام الدراسي 1434-1435هـ.

ودعت الكلية المقبولين بضرورة الحضور بالزي الرياضي عند مراجعة الكلية (قميص رياضي أبيض ساده وبنطلون رياضي اسود أوكحلي). وحددت الكلية مواعيد المراجعة وتسليم المستندات وأصول الوثائق من يوم الثلاثاء20/10/1434هـ، الساعة 8 صباحاً حتى يوم الخميس 22 /10/1434هـ
وطلبت ضرورة إحضار وثيقة التخرج الأصل مع صورة مصدقة منها (بدون ملف) مع أصل شهادة الامتياز للأطباء والعلوم الطبية المساعدة، وإحضار وملف علاقي يحتوي على المستندات التالية وصور منها مرتبة حسب التسلسل: صورتان من وثيقة التخرج الأصلية مصدقتان، ونسختان من السجل الأكاديمي للطالب موقعتان ومختومتان من الجامعة.
وطلبت إحضار صورتين مصدقتين من شهادة الامتياز للأطباء والعلوم الطبية المساعدة، وأيضا أصل المعادلة الصادرة من وزارة التعليم العالي في حال كون الشهادة صادرة من خارج المملكة مع صورة مصدقة للمعادلة، مع ضرورة أن تحتوي على التقدير والمعدل.
كما طلبت أصل معادلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية للتخصصات الطبية والطبية المساعدة وصورة مصدقة منها للجامعات الأهلية والخارجية، وأصل الترجمة المعتمدة لوثيقة التخرج الصادرة بلغة أجنبية، مع صورة مصدقة منها، فضلا عن ست صور شمسية حديثة وملونة مقاس (4 x 6) مكشوف الرأس يكتب عليها الاسم في الخلف تكون خلفيتها باللون الأبيض. وأصل بطاقة الأحوال مع ست صور منها واضحة ومكبرة مكتوب عليها بيانات البطاقة.
وطلبت الكلية ملف علاقي آخر يحتوي على صورتين مصدقة من وثيقة التخرج، وصورتين مصدقة من السجل الأكاديمي، وصورة من المعادلة وصورتين من بطاقة الأحوال، وثلاث صور شخصية حديثة وملونه مقاس (4 x 6) مكشوف الرأس، وصورة صفحه (9 ) من طلب الالتحاق النهائي التي احتفظ بها الطالب، وأن يكتب رقم الطلب على الملفين من الخارج بقلم خط عريض، وأكدت أن الطالب سيفقد أحقيته في القبول في حالة عدم حضوره في الموعد.

للاستعلام عن الأسماء:  http://addmission.kfsc.edu.sa/uni/results/ResultFirst1-2/Result_S_Final.aspx

.. اقرأ المزيد

سياسة الخصوصية Privacy Policy

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ملفات الدخول :

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وهنا لا نقصد بجمع كل هذه المعلومات التلصص على امور الزوار الشخصية انما هي امور تحليلية لاغراض تحسين الجودة ، يضاف الى ذلك ان جميع المعلومات المحفوظة من قبلنا سرية تماما ، وتبقى ضمن نطاق التطوير والتحسين الخاص بموقعنا فقط .

مربع بحث جوجل :

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الكوكيز واعدادات الشبكه :

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فريق اعداد The Page

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US Company Aims to Fly You to the Moon

A passenger jet flies in front of the moon in Bogota, Colombia on Nov. 1, 2012.

A U.S. company founded by ex-NASA executives says it plans to offer commercial flights to the moon by the end of the decade.

The company, named Golden Spike, estimates it will cost $1.5 billion to send two people to the moon and back for up to two days.

It plans to sell the flights to "nations, individuals, and corporations with lunar exploration objectives and ambitions," at a cost it says is a fraction of similar government-run lunar programs.

Golden Spike said it would reduce costs by using existing rockets and capsules for the launches, needing only to design new space suits and a lunar lander. It is also considering other revenue sources, such as advertising on space vehicles.

The announcement came just before Friday's 40-year anniversary of the launch of NASA's Apollo 17, the last mission that put humans on the moon.

President Barack Obama cancelled NASA's planned return to the moon and oversaw the retirement of the last of the agency's space shuttles as part of a policy meant to help encourage commercial space endeavors in the coming decades.

Some say the plan appears to be working, with private companies having already enjoyed recent success launching rockets into orbit or sending flights to the International Space Station.
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تخلص من الملل نهائياً

خطوات التخلص من الملل ستصيبك بالاندهاش  .. لبساطتها وسهولة تطبيقها، وكل ما ستفعله هذه الخطوات أن تقربك من فهم الهدف الذي خلقت من أجله: «عبادة الله، وتعمير الأرض

1- اكتشف لماذا تشعر بالملل، إذا كان السبب هو قيامك بالعمل نفسه بشكل متكرر، فأضف إليه بعض الأشياء الجديدة، أو قم به بشكل مختلف.
- فمثلاً العمل المنزلي الذي تقوم به ربة المنزل يمكن أن يكون ممتعاً إذا استمعت أثناء أدائها له إلى بعض الأشرطة الصوتية التي تحمل المعلومات الممتعة، أو قامت به بشكل حركات رياضية؛ فيصبح الهدفُ هو القيام بالأعمال المنزلية، بالإضافة إلى المحافظة على لياقة الجسم.
- إذا كان الملل بسبب الكسل فاحصل على كفايتك من النوم، وعش حياة صحية منظّمة.
- إذا كان الملل بسبب الخوف من القيام بعدد من الأعمال الكثيرة المتراكمة، فقم بتقسيم الأعمال إلى خطوات وأهداف بسيطة.
- إذا كان الملل بسبب عدم وجود ما تفعله، فمارِس بعض الرياضة أولاً؛ فهي ستساعدك على التفكير السليم، وستجد ما تقوم به، أو تحدث مع صديق مقرّب عمّا يضايقك، فمجرد الحديث يمكن أن يفتح أمامك أبواباً مغلقة.
2- لا تبتعد عن الحياة الاجتماعية، فالاندماج مع العالم الخارجي أمر مهم، ولن تشعر بأهميته إلا عندما تزيح عنك الغطاء، وترتدي ملابسك وتذهب لمقابلة صديق أو تصل القُربى، أو تجلس مع كبار السن.. حاول أن تتعلم من الكل، وتعرف على ما قد يملأ حياتك بالمتعة والحكمة.
3- الترفيه أمر مهم؛ ولكنه ترفيه بما يرضي الله تعالى من تغيير وسفر ومزاح وضحك، وكل هذه الأمور أباحها الله لنا لكي تعيننا على طاعته؛ فالنفس المشرقة المستبشرة تستطيع أن تختار من الدنيا ما يزيد من همتها ويرتفع بها، فتفيد وتستفيد، وتجد المتعة في الإنجاز، وتقديم العون للآخرين.
4- التعامل بشكل صحيح مع الوقت؛ ولهذا عليك أولاً أن تشعر بأهميته؛ بل وتحمد الله على هذه النعمة، التي إن عرفت استغلالها بالشكل الصحيح فزت في الدنيا والآخرة.
5- التأمل في الكون، فعندما نندمج مع العالم من حولنا نكتشف ما يشعرنا بالمتعة والإلهام، وتظهر أمامنا الفرص التي لم نكن ندري أنها أصلاً موجودة، ونضع أيدينا على مواطن الإبداع في داخلنا.
6- غيّر أفكارك تتغير حياتك، فالأفكار تتحكم في التصرفات.. ضع لنفسك أهدافاً تشعرك بالحياة، فمن المستحيل أن تشعر بالملل وأنت تسعى لبناء حياتك وتحقق أهدافك.
7- استخدم خيالك بالشكل الصحيح، حاول أن ترسم صورة لنفسك في المستقبل تكون معالمها هي التي تطمح أن تكون عليها، والشيء الجميل في الخيال هو أنك تستطيع أن تضع كل شروطك، وتجرب كل ما تحب تجربته.
8- استخدم الحركة لمكافحة الملل.. قم ببعض المشي.. اكتب عشرة أشياء تستطيع القيام بها، وابدأ في ممارستها للتغلب على مشاعر الاستسلام في داخلك.
9- أشْعِل الفضول داخلك، فضول المعرفة والاكتشاف، وغذِّ هذا الفضول بالقراءة ومشاهدة البرامج التي تكشف لك الغطاء عن الكثير من الحقائق العلمية المدهشة، وسافر عبر الزمن وعبر المسافات مع برامج الرحلات والتاريخ، وتأكد أن الدنيا مازال بها الكثير الذي لم تعرفه أو تكتشفه بعد.
10- اكتشف تعاليم دينك، كما حاولت أن تكتشف العالم من حولك، وأتقن عباداتك؛ ففي هذا الدين الكثير الذي لم تدرسه في المدارس، ولم تكتشفه بعد، ومن ثم اكتشف الإعجاز في خلقك، وشارك مَنْ حولك فيما اكتشفته وما تعلمته.
11- فكِّر فيما تحب أن تقوم به، وليس فيما لا تحب.. أتقن هواية أو نشاطاً – وخاصة تلك الأنشطة التي تحتاج إلى مهارات يدوية – وإذا أتقنت هوايتك فعلّمها غيرك، وشجعهم على التخلص من الملل.
12- مارس الرياضة الجماعية والفردية، واشعر بالفخر بإنجازاتك.
13- ابحث عن وظيفة ثانية مؤقتة تزيد دخلك، واستفد من هذا الدخل الإضافي لدراسة علم جديد، أو شراء ما يساعدك على اكتشاف العالم من حولك، أو ما تمارس به هواياتك الجديدة.
14- دخول المطبخ وتقديم وجبة جديدة للأسرة قد يعني الكثير لك ولهم، ومع تقدم العلم والتكنولوجيا أصبح الطهي علماً في حد ذاته، وخاصة إذا أخذت في البحث عن الطعام الصحي والمفيد.
15- اتّصل بالأصدقاء القدامى، حاول أن تجمعهم اجتماعاًً دورياً تعرف على ما أنجزوه، وتحدث عن إنجازاتك.
.. اقرأ المزيد

دورة تعلم رسم الانمي للمبتدئين

اليوم ان شاء الله هنتعلم رسم الانمى بطريقة سهلة جداً و مبسطة .. اهم حاجة درب نفسك على الرسم دائما ومع الاستمرار و التكرار سوف تتعلم و تصبح محترف بأذن الله

أول خطوة عبارة عن رسم دائرة بهذا الشكل
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
الخطوة الثانية هنقسم الدائرة بالشكل ده
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
مهم : من هنا سنرسم العين !

بعد ذلك أضف الفك السفلي للفم . هنا تستطيع رسم أي شكلله و قد يعتمد على حالتهالنفسية . ( خلافاً لذلك قد تنتهي برسمة بشعة )

.تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي

5. بعد ذلك تضيف العينان و الأنف و الفم (ماتقلقوش العيون والفم جايين بعدين)
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي6.
الآن إمسح الخطوط و أنظر
إجلس للخلف و أمدح نفسك على ما عملته , فتحس بالرضا عن نفسك فتحس أنك ملك
بمحرد أن عرفت كيف ترسم الأنمي

مبروك . الآن إرجع و إجلس مرة أخرى و عد إلى لوح الرسم , لأننا لم ننتهي بعدإذا أردت أنتكون شخصيتك ترى من جهة أخرى , يجب أن ترجع و ترسم خطوط الوجه مرة أخرى بالجهة التيتريدهانفس الطريقة الأساسية لكن ببعض التغيرات
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي

هذه بعض الأمثلة
>فيها خمس جهات للوجه
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي

. تأكد من وجود خط للرسم الشعر . أنت لا تريد فروة الرأس الأمامية غريبة أو بشعة تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
- عند رسمك و استخدام هذه الجهة , تذكر بضغط على العين
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
والان سنتعلم كيف نرسم الفم والعيون
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي
تعليم الانمي للمبتدئين، بالصورتعليم الانمي

.. اقرأ المزيد

Charge your mobile without electricity and in less than 5 minutes

When he has finished charging your mobile and did not find the charger or source of electricity!! Another solution you will find in this foliage reach him where scientists found in the lush foliage, a good idea to charge the Mobile if the battery is empty, and I've said that botanists plant electrical energy can be exchanged and stored battery.

The steps Shipping Mobile in this way are:

Bring green leaves

Knit these papers heel-to-many square copper battery for a minute.

Clean the battery with a soft cloth texture.

Put the battery again Palmobail.

It may require that you repeat this method several times.
.. اقرأ المزيد

خمسة طرق لتتذكر أحلامك بعد الاستيقاظ

يصل معدل الاحلام التي نراها في الليلة الواحدة إلى 5، يستطيع البعض تذكر هذه الأحلام كلها او جزء منها و البعض الآخر لا .. و اليك 5 طرق ستساعدك على تذكر احلامك بعد الاستيقاظ
1) القسط الكافي من النوم
عند حصولك على القسط الكافي من النوم واستيقاظك بشكل طبيعي، فإنك ستستيقظ في نهاية دائرة النوم الأخيرة التي تصل مدتها 90 دقيقة، في هذه الحالة ستستيقظ في منتصف حلمك مما يساعدك على تذكره في الحال، أما استخدامك للمنبه في إيقاظك بعد حصولك على قسط غير كافي من النوم، فهذا يجعل استدعاءك للحلم أمر صعب.
2) اضبط منبهك على دائرة التسعين دقيقة
اضبط منبهك ليرن بعد 7 أو 8 ساعات ونصف من ذهابك إلى الفراش، وذلك لزيادة الفرصة لرؤية الأحلام عند توقف المنبه.
3) تناول الكثير من الماء
المثانة الممتلئة ستجبرك على الاستيقاظ ليلاً، مما يساعدك على استدعاء الأحلام.
4) تحدث إلى نفسك
قبل الذهاب إلى الفراش اخبر نفسك أنك تريد أن تتذكر الأحلام التي رأيتها ليلاً عند الاستيقاظ.
5) سجل أحلامك
عند استيقاظك في منتصف الليل قم بتسجيل ما رأيته من أحلام في ورقة، قبل حتى أن تذهب إلى الحمام أو قبل أن تتحدث إلى شخص ما.
.. اقرأ المزيد

Nokia Lumia 920 review

Key Features
4.5in HD IPS LCD screen; 1.5GHz dual-core processor; Windows Phone 8 OS; 8.7MP camera with 1080p video and optical stabilisation Manufacturer: Nokia

Nokia Lumia 920 - Introduction and Design


The Nokia Lumia 920 is technically one of the most exciting phones available right now. Not only does it have features like an optically stabilised camera for blur-free night time shots and inbuilt wireless charging to do away with pesky cables but it also has the excellent Microsoft Windows Phone 8 operating system that's been imbued with a host of Nokia extras. However a smartphone isn't about any single feature but the device as a whole, so how does the Lumia 920 fare?

Nokia Lumia 920 - Design

Nokia has always had a pretty good eye for design and that was no more in evidence than on the company's last flagship phone the Nokia Lumia 800, which we thought the best looking phone of its time. Here then the company has simply taken that same design and made it a bit bigger.

The whole phone is hewn from one piece of polycarbonate plastic into which is set the slightly curved screen. To keep the whole thing looking as seamless as possible all the ports and slots are kept in the flat ends, with just the buttons ranged up the right edge. The unbroken effect it creates gives the phone a wonderfully premium feel, particularly thanks to the quality of plastic used – the colour is in the plastic so doesn’t scratch off like paint does.

However, what's less impressive is Nokia's choice of finishes. On the Lumia 800, all the colour options were available in a matt finish which looked and felt great. Here, though, all but the black model use a glossy finish. Not only will this look worse when it inevitably begins to pick up scratches but it's also more slippery, sliding off laps and the arms of sofas almost as readily as the glass backed iPhone 4/4S. Plus, it doesn't half show up fingerprints. Thankfully Nokia is still offering the Lumia 920 in a matt black version which looks superb and isn't as slippery.

Then there's the weight of the thing. Somehow Nokia has managed to make what is far from the largest phone on the market one of the heaviest. Coming in at 185g, this 4.5in phone is heavier than the enormous 5.5in Samsung Galaxy Note 2. We've asked Nokia just why it is the phone weighs so much but the company hasn't yet come back with anything specific, saying it's a combination of factors. It seems likely that it's the optically stabilised camera that is the main culprit, though.

With dimensions of 130.3 x 70.8 x 10.7 mm, it's not exactly the slimmest handset either.

All that said, we don't find the size or weight too much of a problem and actually like the overall feel of the device. The curved sides and back mean the phone fits snugly in the hand and it’s far from so heavy that it's uncomfortable.

The arrangement of buttons is also excellent. As the phone uses Windows Phone 8 the function of the buttons is identical to all other Windows Phone 8 handsets but here they're well positioned and easy to operate. Down the right edge are the volume, power and camera buttons while under the screen are touch sensitive buttons for Back, Start and Search.

The touch sensitive buttons are nice and responsive but it's the side mounted ones that really make it. They're well defined so are easy to tell apart by feel alone, they're easy to press and the low positioning of the power button makes it easy to unlock the phone without having to use two hands or shuffle your grip around.

Taking a quick tour of the rest of the phone, up top is the microSIM tray - which pops out at the push of a pinhole button - and the headphone jack along with the second microphone for noise cancelling when making a call. Meanwhile on the bottom is the primary microphone, the speaker and the microUSB socket for conventional charging and connecting to a computer. Plus, of course there's the main camera on the back and a front facing one above the screen. All pretty standard stuff.

However, what is missing is a microSD slot, meaning there's no way to upgrade the phone's storage. Thankfully you can get this handset with up to 32GB of built in storage, which should be enough for most people.

Also, without a readily removable backplate, you can't easily swap out the battery. Again, it's probably not an issue for most people day to day but both the latter points are key reasons why the Samsung Galaxy S3 remains such a popular handset – many would rather have the option than not.
.. اقرأ المزيد

HTC Butterfly officially official: Droid DNA for the international market!

HTC Droid DNA (or that’s HTC J Butteryfly) finally got its international counterpart in the form of HTC Butterfly — and we tought it will be called HTC Deluxe (DLX). As you know from our previous posts, this is the best phone HTC has made thus far with its specs including a 5-inch full HD Super LCD 3 screen with Gorilla Glass 2, Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 quad-core CPU clocked at 1.5GHz, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal memory, 8-megapixel rear camera, 2.1-megapixel front-facing one, GPS + GLONASS, Beats Audio, Bluetooth 4.0, and so on and on. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is running the show out of box, with HTC’s own Sense UI singing on top of it.
Unfortunately HTC failed to mention the price and release date and we’re a bit afraid the Butterfly won’t make it to the shops before the end of the year. Still, they could push couple of million (or hundreds of thousands) units to the major European markets. You never really know… but we’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as we hear something new on that front. Stay tuned…
.. اقرأ المزيد

HTC M7 launching in Q1 2013 with 5-inch HD screen, Snapdragon S4 Pro, 13MP camera and uni-body aluminum case

Although the HTC Droid DNA has been just recently announced, the Taiwanese company is already looking to launch another device. And I’m not talking about the international version of the DNA called HTC DLX, but a whole new phone which, to be fair, will be pretty similar to the existing one. However, instead of coming in a plastic body, the forthcoming HTC M7 will sport a fancy lookin’ uni-body aluminum case. Moreover, its camera will have a 13-megapixel sensor, while the rest of the specs will remain the same, with Qualcomm’s quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro providing the processing power needed to run things smoothly. The screen will have a 5-inch diagonal, and will be capable of showing full HD (1920×1080 pixels) resolution.
According to multiple sources, HTC is already working with semiconductor and casing suppliers to secure enough components to manufacture 4 to 5 million units of the HTC M7 in the first quarter of 2013. The idea is to have a phone ready for market before Samsung launches the new Galaxy S device, which impacted HTC’s sales this year, big time. Then again, the One X was available before the Galaxy S III and that hasn’t helped HTC grow its numbers. We’ll see whether this time they have what it takes to stay in the game…a
.. اقرأ المزيد

Apple iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S III showdown: Which is the superior smartphone?

Well, well, well; look what we have here. It’s the two phones that everybody loves to hate, the Apple iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S III. Android lovers usually despise the iPhone 5 and iOS lovers usually despise the Galaxy S III. We’ve pitted them head to head to determine which of these devices will come out on top with victory. All of the bases are covered from design to performance to S Voice and Siri to the controversial Maps. Both are excellent smartphones with their own strengths and weaknesses. That said, let’s start the showdown.


Let’s begin at the very core of both phones with their specifications. As a side note, depending on whether one is using the global version of the GSIII or the North American version, the specs are better or worse. We’re using the North American version.
Inside, the Samsung Galaxy S III packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1.5GHz dual-core processor, 2GB of RAM, a 2,100 mAh battery, 4G LTE connectivity, and either 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB of storage which is expandable thanks to its microSD card slot. The display on the outside measures 4.8 inches diagonally with a 1280×720 and 306 ppi resolution. The camera on the back has an 8MP lens and the one on the front has a 1.9MP lens.
The iPhone has never been ahead (or aimed to be ahead) in the spec game and this is no exception. The iPhone 5 has a dual-core processor inside, but some have speculated that the clockspeed is at around 1.02GHz. It features half the RAM at 1GB, the same storage options, and the same 4G LTE. The battery capacity is unknown, but more details on battery life are below. The iPhone 5 gets a larger display than previous iPhones at 4 inches with a 1136×640 and 326ppi resolution.


The Galaxy S III has a full-body plastic design, but it’s actually pretty sleek. Samsung adds a brushed metal effect that really adds to the level of elegance.
I love the pebble blue color, which I had the pleasure of having on my review unit. Other than the standard black on most phones, this is my absolute favorite color ever on a phone. That brushed metal effect makes it look almost like a toned-down electric blue and it just looks awesome.
The iPhone 5 is made entirely of aluminum and glass and once again Apple reigns in the design department. The sides are either silver or slate aluminum depending on the color of the iPhone and the back has a large center aluminum panel with two slim cutouts on the top and bottom filled in with glass, presumably so wireless connections can function.
As nice as the Galaxy S III looks, I have a few small design gripes. I still don’t like capacitive buttons and it has two on the front. Plus, the volume button on the side is just one big button and you are supposed to figure out whether you are pushing it to lower the volume or raise it.
The bigger question revolves around the display: is the GSIII comfortable to hold in one hand? In my experience, it’s not. I’m the type of person who typically uses my phone with one hand because I’m carrying something in the other, and I struggled navigate around the Galaxy S III with one hand. I had to constantly loosen my grip on the device and move my hand up or down around it to position my finger correctly and it was just a pain. The iPhone 5 fits almost perfectly in my hand by comparison. If you have no problem using two hands in most cases to use a phone, you can neglect this entire paragraph.
The displays themselves are gorgeous on both. The iPhone 5 has an advantage in bright sunlight as its easier to see. As much as many people might prefer the bigger display of the GSIII for viewing more content, I found that more often than not, apps don’t take advantage of the extra space. A lot feels blown up and oversized. I guess that’s good, but I’d rather see smaller fonts and buttons in favor of showing more meaningful content. Videos and games shine more than anything else.
While design and display preferences vary between people, I think it’s safe to declare the iPhone the winner here. The materials used are top-notch and the device looks nothing short of premium.

Build Quality

The iPhone 5 uses durable aluminum and glass in its unibody construction. The Galaxy S III uses plastic. The winner is clear in terms of build quality — the Galaxy S III doesn’t even come close to the iPhone 5.
Keeping that in mind, the build quality of the GSIII isn’t as bad as I was expecting. Despite being made mostly of plastic, it does feel somewhat solid in the hand. Pull off the back cover, however, and its weaknesses are immediately revealed. I could snap that flimsy piece of plastic in half without much effort at all if I wanted to.


Performance overall was a bit faster on the iPhone 5 than on the Galaxy S III. It was especially apparent when comparing AT&T and Verizon LTE speeds. AT&T was significantly faster than Verizon in every case. When I switched to WiFi — both of which had the same connection — the gap tightened, but the iPhone still came out in the lead.
Graphics performance was typically better on the iPhone too. There was less lag when playing games or zooming around in Maps. Apps open just a tad faster as well.
On the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark, iPhone 5 came in at 1034.1 ms while the Galaxy S III came in at 1894.5 ms, and this test was performed over the same WiFi connection.


I don’t like to write too much about phones’ cameras in reviews because I think the sample photos should speak for themselves. Let me just say that the iPhone 5 does have a better camera than the Galaxy S III, especially for low-light photography. During the day, it’s only a tad more sharp but for the most part they are on par with each other. One thing I will note is that it seems like it’s easier to take a stabilized photo with the GSIII over the iPhone 5. As you’ll notice, a couple times the shot was faintly blurred because I moved my hand a bit, but when the phone is steady, the iPhone does tend to produce minutely better photos overall. You can see for yourself with the images below.

Siri and S Voice

Now it’s time to pit the two women who live inside each phone against each other. Which is more helpful at answering your questions and performing the tasks you request? Well, Siri.
Not only does Siri do more thanks to the iOS 6 release like find movie theaters and sports scores, but I found that it was usually quicker and understood better what I was saying. The latter is probably due to the better microphone. S Voice was faster at doing quick math calculations or throwing out quick facts. If I asked who the first president of the United States was, Siri would take a few seconds to bring up a sheet with Wolfram Alpha, while S Voice would quickly just answer out loud that it was George Washington, which I appreciated.
Still, there were some questions I asked that S Voice just couldn’t answer that Siri could, either due to the GSIII not picking up my voice accurately or S Voice not having the resources to answer.
Siri is also easier to carry out a comical conversation with and we all know we use these assistants for that purpose more often than we’d like to admit.


There’s been a lot of controversy over Apple’s new Maps app in iOS 6 because in many locations, errors can be spotted pretty easily. I used both the iOS 6 Maps app and Google Maps on Android for navigation and both got me to where I needed to go without any trouble. This may vary if you live in a place where Apple’s maps aren’t as accurate, but I’m lucky enough to not have any problems with it.
Google Maps is the champion in terms of data and is with little doubt the superior mapping app. Apple’s Maps app shouldn’t be a deal breaker for the iPhone 5 though because if it doesn’t work where you are, there are third-party alternatives like MapQuest and Waze — both of which are free and work just fine.

Call Quality and Battery Life

Call quality on the Samsung Galaxy S III is slightly worse than on the iPhone 5 in my usage. People I talked to always sounded noticeably more fuzzy and they said I also sounded a tad fuzzier. On the iPhone 5, however, callers sounded very clear and apparently, so did I. That’s presumably due to the new microphone system compared to older iPhones.
Keeping in mind that the iPhone 5 does have the edge here, how many people actually use their phone to make phone calls anymore? For most smartphone owners, either device will have sufficient call quality.
Battery life is harder to determine because Android measures it differently than iOS does. Honestly, it seems like it’ll have to be a tie between the both of them. They are both more than adequate to last throughout a typical day of usage, and even one with heavy usage as well.
I want to say that the iPhone 5 maybe lasted just a tad longer, but then again I did play games on the GSIII for a little extra time because I liked the way they looked on its bigger screen.
For call quality and battery life, you can’t lose with either of these handsets.


Bottom line: which is the better smartphone? For three small reasons, I’d go with the iPhone 5. It’s a bit faster than the Galaxy S III, it has a slightly better camera, and the display is perfect for maneuvering with one hand.
However, if you’re the type of person who would gladly use two hands on their phone in exchange for a gigantic display and can live without the better photos and performance, the Galaxy S III might still be worth your consideration.
Another factor comes in to play as well: Android versus iOS. If you use Google services frequently or like to customize your mobile OS to no end, there’s no question that you should buy the Galaxy S III. If you’re into the Apple ecosystem with iTunes and iCloud or just praise the simplicity of iOS and the build quality of Apple’s hardware, the iPhone 5 is the easy winner here. As much as I hate to not give a definite answer as to which OS is better, it really does come down to personal preference. They both have their strengths and weaknesses depending on everyone’s individual usage habits.
Based on the tests for this review/comparison, while I did declare the iPhone 5 the winning smartphone with the edge, make no mistake that these are two exceptional phones. I’m sure loyal Android users won’t even consider the iPhone 5 just like loyal iOS users won’t even consider the  Samsung Galaxy S III. It’s fairly hard to be displeased with either of these handsets.
Be sure to check out our official individual reviews of the iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III as well.

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Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 - Design, Screen and Power

The iPhone 5 is here, and selling by the million. As expected, it features a larger screen, a faster processor and a slightly-improved camera. But the real question is - which one should you buy, the iPhone 5 or the Samsung Galaxy S3?

We’ve taken a look at the features of both phones, put them in the ring and told them only one is coming out alive. Here's how they fared…

UPDATE: November 2012

According to uSwitch, the Samsung Galaxy S3 is actually the most popular phone in the UK at present, with the iPhone 5 taking the second place position. You'd be right to question the legitimacy of these claims, which the company says are based on live searches, pre-orders and pay monthly sales, but it's an interesting suggestion.

The only figure Apple has announced so far about iPhone 5 sales is the five million units sold in the phone's first three days. Samsung has been - as usual - less coy. At the beginning of November, Samsung announced that the Samsung Galaxy S3 had sold 30 million handsets in its five months of life. This was the company's aim for the whole year, according to Samsung's JK Shin, talking back in September. The phone has proved and incredible success.

Is this really more than the iPhone 5 has sold, though? At present there's no sure-fire way to know, as Apple simply hasn't released its figures. Sales of the latest iPhone has been strong, though, and Samsung has not won the sales battle yet.

UPDATE: Two months on...We've spent a good old while with these two phones, and have come to some conclusions about which is right for you. Below you'll find the same old specs comparisons if you want in-depth technical info, but here's what they're actually like to use.

Firstly, the difference in feel, thanks to the metal and plastic finishes respectively, soon fades away - more so than with the previous iPhone 4S. It's down to the type of metal used in the iPhone 5's construction. The new iPhone is made of aluminium, and it feels so very light that it doesn't quite have the solidity of the previous-gen models. A bit like a size-0 model, the iPhone 5 is teeny but it doesn't quite feel as healthy as some of the old phones.

Conversely, you get used to the plastic bod of the Samsung Galaxy S3 after just a short time. Quite how lightweight its plastic armouring is only becomes apparent when you take the battery cover off. And who really does that too often?

The adaptability of us humans makes us get used to things terribly quickly, and it helps on the screen front too. Upon first getting hold of the Samsung Galaxy S3 it felt that bit too big, but two months on it just doesn't. We even got used to the 5.5in Galaxy Note 2 pretty quickly.

However, if you have small hands you should definitely take note of the size issue. Even adaptability has its limits.

The giant screen of the Samsung Galaxy S3 makes it our top choice for web-browsing. With a screen this big, this high-resolution, there's so need to even thing about using mobile sites any longer. On this front, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has the edge over the iPhone 5.

On the fun front, though, the iPhone 5 has this argument on lock down. With such a healthy games and apps ecosystem, we found that we downloaded far more games with the iPhone 5 than the Samsung Galaxy S3. Yes, we spend more money but had more fun (or wasted more time) in the process.

If either gaming or web browsing are your key priorities, the choice seems a fairly easy one. Have other priorities? Check out the rest of our comparison below.

Release Date and Sales
iPhone 5 - Available now, 12 September unveiling, 21 September available date
Samsung Galaxy S3 - Available now, unveiled May 2012

The iPhone 5 is out there. Early supply issues meant that demand oustripped supply, but looking at the numbers it's no surprise. The iPhone 5 sold five million units in its first weekend on sale, and two million in its first 24 hours.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has already been released, of course, and has done extremely well in its short time on this Earth. Back in July we heard that the phone had already broken through the 10 million sales barrier, making it a faster seller than either of its predecessors, the original Galaxy S and the hugely popular Galaxy S2.

By the end of 2012, analyst predictions suggest the iPhone 5 will sell around 26 million units. Samsung's own JK Shin has said he expects the Samsung Galaxy S3 to sell 30 million by the end of the year. Let's not forget that the Samsung Galaxy S3 has been on sale for a lot longer, though.

Watch our video comparison of the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 >

iPhone 5 - 7.6mm thick, metal casing, non-removable battery
Samsung Galaxy S3 - 8.6mm thick, plastic casing, removable battery

Apple has taken aggressive measures to make the iPhone 5 as thin as possible. The rear layer of glass has gone, the phone uses a teeny nano-SIM and the screen technology merges its constituent layers to squish everything down as far as possible. As a result it's just 7.6mm thick, a full millimetre less than the Samsung Galaxy S3 - which is 8.6mm thick.
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 2
It's extremely impressive, and Apple has also tweaked the design of the phone to make it feel a bit less severe in the hand, despite being mega-thin. Its edges are slightly bevelled, rather than stepped, so it feels little more… hand-friendly. You still might want to grab a case for the utmost in hand comfort though. Crucially, the new etched aluminium back is much less slippy than previous versions and build quality is exceptional.

There is one slight issue, though, that's a bit of a problem if you opt for the black version of the iPhone 5. As its rear is aluminium, it is quite scratch-prone. In the black edition, any scratches are clearly visible as they reveal the bright silver of the aluminium underneath.

It's not such a problem with the white version, but has already left many new iPhone owners a little annoyed. Apple has admitted this issue, but says it's normal for an aluminium device.
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 1
Check out the iPhone 5's new design in our iPhone 5 preview gallery >

Samsung's great white (well, pebble blue and white) hope for 2012 has an all-plastic finish that uses a flimsy, ultra-thin back cover.  This is the one part of the phone that has caused the most criticism, as it doesn't make it feel all that much like a device you should be spending £500 on, even if in practical terms it's just as tough.
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 13

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is also significantly larger than the iPhone 5, thanks to its ginormous 4.8in screen. It's 71mm wide, while the iPhone 5 is around 58mm wide. Our top recommendation is to get hold of a Galaxy S3 before buying if it's on your hit list. Some will find it a bit too big for comfort.

iPhone 5 - new-design Earpod headphones, new Lightning power connector
Samsung Galaxy S3 - microUSB charge cable, Samsung noise isolating IEM earphones, adapter

We don't normally compare the accessories of phones when we give them the head-to-head treatment, but Apple's accessories this time around are of note. The iPhone 5's headphones have been given a completely new design, one you just don't see elsewhere.

iPhone 5 headphones

The headphones are called Earpods, and they're not the typical iPhone buds of old, or the common noise isolating IEM type either. They're small, made of plastic and are designed to nestle into your ear canals, offering a bit more noise isolation than the earbuds of old.

They're incredibly comfortable and fit securely too, and crucially for fellow train/coach/car/plane passengers, the Earpods leak much less sound to the outside world. They also sound pretty good too. Apple has completely redesigned the sound ports to boost bass and even out mid-range. The result is a surprisingly good listen, with good bass response and a notably wide sound stage. That said, they still don't block out external noise enough for our liking and we're only talking good for a £25 set of earphones - don't ditch your custom IEMs just yet.

The power cable of the iPhone 5 is also different, using the new 8-pin socket rather than the 30-pin type that has been in use for years. Apple calls it Lightning, which linguistically fits-in rather nicely with its Thunderbolt computer port. You also get a power adapter for the cable and a SIM removal tool.

Samsung's Galaxy S3 is more ordinary in its approach, though no less useful. It features a microUSB charge cable, a power adapter to plug this cable into and a standard pair of Samsung-branded IEM noise isolating earphones. The latter offer some external noise isolation but aren't actually that great when it comes to sound quality.

iPhone 5 - 4in IPS, 1,136 x 640 resolution
Samsung Galaxy S3 - 4.8in Super AMOLED, 1,280 x 720 resolution

Every generation of iPhone since the original of the species back in 2007 has uses the same size screen - 3.5in. That has all changed with the iPhone 5. It now has a widescreen 4in display of 1,136 x 640 pixels. Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5

It's this change of screen style that will make the iPhone 5 able to offer a larger screen without making the phone any wider. Pixel density is the same as the iPhone 4S too, although the new aspect will make it much better to watch movies on.

Many apps have already been tweaked to support the new longer screen while older ones will just leave bars where the extra pixels now live.
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 8

The Samsung Galaxy S3 cares a lot less about how wide it is than the iPhone 5. With a gigantic 4.8in display, the Galaxy will be too wide for some hands - it's a whopping 7.6cm across. Screen pixel density will be comparable to the new iPhone, though, with 720 x 1,280 spread across the display.

See the Galaxy S3's screen in action in our video review >

Each phone uses quite a different screen tech type. The Samsung Galaxy S3 features a Super AMOLED panel, while the iPhone 5 uses a new take on the IPS technology that has been used in iPads and iPhones for years.

Super AMOLEDs offer superb black response and vivid colours, but IPS screens tend to look a little more natural. In our recent comparison of the Samsung and the HTC One X, we found in favour of the HTC's IPS type.

In bright sunlight, the iPhone 5 is the clear winner of the two. It's less reflective, offers greater maximum brightness, supplying much better visibility in this sort of challenging situation. In a dark room, though, AMOLED comes into its own.

Screen fight: Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 4S vs HTC One X gallery >

iPhone 5 - iOS 6
Samsung Galaxy S3 - Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (4.1 incoming), TouchWiz UI

The battle of iOS versus Android is one we've been watching ever since 2008, when Android was born. Android has changed a good deal more than iOS in that time, and is finally getting close to becoming as slick and quick as iOS. Apple's OS has always been pretty nippy.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 isn't quite there yet, as in most territories it still uses Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich rather than the latest Jelly Bean version. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean sees the start of an initiative called Project Butter. This is designed to take full use of the processor power available, with the aim of running Android at a solid 60fps.

Android offers more integrated features an flexibility than iOS too. You can even change the way your phone responds to basic functions, such as replacing the SMS app with a third-party one. Apple doesn't let you do anything like this. And, of course, the home screens of Android give you much more control over how your phone looks than the rigid app menu layout of iOS.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 also benefits from a blunder made by Apple. iOS got rid of the Google mapping solution that had been in use since the early days of iPhones, replacing it with Apple's own stab. At present, Apple's new Maps app doesn't work too well though. Its maps are out of date, with towns mis-named and many roads simply missing.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 uses good old Google Maps, which works a treat. And actually features maps from this decade.

Samsung's phone also benefits from a few tweaks added-in with the TouchWiz UI. Most notably, it brings features that were only introduced in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. These include monitoring for eye movement before switching off the backlight and integrated NFC pairing.

iPhone 5 - 1GB RAM, A6 processor, power TBC
Samsung Galaxy S3 - 1GB RAM, Exynos 4412, Quad-core 1.4GHz

One area where the Samsung Galaxy S3 might beat the next iPhone is its processor's figures. The Samsung Galaxy S3 uses the impressive Exynos 4412 chip, which has four cores and runs at 1.4GHz.

See the iPhone 5's new processor in action in our hands on video >

Annoyingly, Apple hasn't revealed in-depth technical information about the CPU. At present, we only know that it is two times faster than the iPhone 4S's chip, which has a dual-core 1GHz CPU and PowerVR SGX543MP2 graphics. Will it be quad-core? Will it offer face-melting speed? You'll have to come back in a while to find out. We'll update this feature as soon as we have the full details.

iPhone 5 - new proprietary 8-pin connector, no microSD, microSIM
Samsung Galaxy S3 - microUSB, microSD, microSIM

Perhaps the most earth-shattering change in the iPhone 5 is that it rejects the 30-pin connector used across iPods, iPads and iPhones in favour of a much-smaller 8-pin model. This is comparable in size to the microUSB standard, although it's not exactly the same as microUSB. Apple is never keen on going with the bog-standard option when it can make its own version.

Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 5

The problem with changing connector is that the new iPhone will be incompatible with current iPhone docking accessories - not good news if you own something like a B&W Zeppelin. However, Apple does offer a connector that acts as a bridge between the old 30-pin socket and the new 8-pin one.

It's all change, but the iPhone 5 doesn't bring expandable memory to the series - no iPhone to date has offered a memory card slot. You're also mostly tied to iTunes when transferring content like music and pictures to the phone.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is pretty much the polar opposite in its approach. It lets you use microSD cards and uses the microUSB standard. Handily, it's MHL compliant, too, able to output HD video with surround sound audio to an HDMI port when used with the right cable. Unlike the iPhone, the Samsung doesn't rely on sync software to transfer files directly either - you can drag and drop files when plugged into a computer over USB.


iPhone 5 - 8MP, LED flash
Samsung Galaxy S3 - 8MP, LED flash

Although many elements of the iPhone 5 have been improved hugely over its predecessor, the camera has only been given a slight upgrade. It's still an 8-megapixel sensor, and it still uses a pretty standard LED flash. Its aperture is f/2.4 and it uses a five-element lens. Like the iPhone 4S, the sensor offers backside illumination.
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 15

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has an 8-megapixel sensor and reams of features including image stabilisation, touch focus, 1080p video capture and an LED flash. However, its image quality is at best on-par with the iPhone 4S's camera (and outperformed by it in some conditions) and we hope that the iPhone 5 will offer some significant improvements.

The iPhone 5 also offers an impressive looking panorama mode - just tap and pan to automatically create an image. Unlike other similar panorama modes we've seen this one keeps the full size image, giving you up to 28 megapixel images - nice.

iPhone 5 - 1440mAh
Samsung Galaxy S3 - 2100mAh

The iPhone 5 hasn't gotten a huge battery increase over its predecessor.  The iPhone 4S has a 1430mAh unit, and the iPhone 5 a 1440mAh unit. It'll last for 40 hours of audio playback, or up to eight hours of talk time, with 3G enabled.

Also, like previous iPhones you can't swap out the battery on the iPhone 5, so if you're caught short without power you're done for... well, your phone is anyway.

Samsung made a particularly strong effort with the latest Galaxy's battery, outstripping most of its rivals by around 20 per cent. For example, the HTC One X uses an 1800mAh unit and the Sony Xperia S a 1750mAh battery. Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 16

In spite of the larger screen and only slight capacity increase, the iPhone 5 betters the stamina offered by the iPhone 4S. Apple must have put some real effort into this.
Samsung Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 17
More than is often the case, the battle between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 is the very definition of the case between iOS and Android, between Apple and Google. The Samsung Galaxy S3 is more flexible, with expandable memory and a more malleable OS. However, the metal body of Apple's phone feels a lot more premium, and is a much friendlier design for those with less than giant hands. And with the larger 4in screen, it won't feel quite so tiny next to the Samsung Galaxy S3, either.

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